
The major and minor in history provide students not simply with a "useable past," but also with the skills to cope with an ever-changing world. The value of a degree in history is evident in the wide range of occupations our graduates have pursued.
校友 Profile of Tom Leung, Class of 1996

Tom Leung ' 96

主要(s): 历史

小: 经济学

地点: 旧金山,加利福尼亚

最难忘历史课: Honors project on the history of modern Chinese economic reform.

What have you been up to since graduating Bowdoin?

I went into management consulting after graduation, 然后我去了商学院攻读MBA, and since then I've been in the tech industry as a product manager at a variety of companies over the years. I also do a lot of volunteer work for political campaigns and host a podcast about technology product management and another about American politics. 我住在波士顿, 西雅图, 苏黎世, and now San Francisco Bay Area where I live with my wife and two sons (12 and 14).


I found my interests were very cross-disciplinary and understanding the history of something required and valued those varied interests (e.g., economics, sociology, government, anthropology, etc.). I also liked the idea that history as a discipline is one of the oldest liberal arts departments so there was this nice sense of longevity to it. I think it's in some ways one of the original interdisciplinary departments but TBH I think the major is less important than the classes you take and professors and classmates with whom you learn. 最终, we end up working for organizations that value people who can learn, 沟通, 解决问题. Learning history at a place like Bowdoin was a truly unique privilege and formative phase in my life given the small size, 接触教授, 和学院的合作文化.  



类: 2010

地点: 波士顿

主要(s): 历史

布莱恩权力 is a graduate of the class of 2010 from St. 路易斯,莫. 在买球平台,他主修历史. He graduated from the joint MD/MBA program at Harvard in 2017, and is currently an internal medicine resident at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston.


Brian left Bowdoin knowing that he wanted to be a physician, but also that he wanted to better understand the health care system, 以及它是如何变化的. 毕业后, 布莱恩搬到了华盛顿, DC and began working at the National Academy of Medicine (NAM), supporting their Leadership Consortium on Value and Science-Driven Health Care. 在不结盟运动期间, he developed a strong interest in the organization and financing of health care delivery. To further develop these interests, Brian enrolled in the joint MD-MBA program at Harvard.


汤姆读 ' 15

主要(s): 历史

小(s): 教育

在我的实习期间, I collaborated every day with my team of teachers and developed new curricula with the intent of giving each student as personalized a learning experience as possible.


Deer Isle-Stonington High School, Deer Isle, 缅因州

Following my graduation from Bowdoin in May of 2015, 我搬到了鹿岛, 缅因州 and worked at Deer Isle-Stonington High School as a paraprofessional until shifting into my student teaching practicum there in Spring 2016. I was able to teach two different courses in U.S. 历史. 其中一篇报道了传统内容, 而另一个是一个团队教, interdisciplinary effort that was part of the high school’s offerings in their Marine Studies Pathway. 题为“U.S. 渔业的历史,” the course sought to integrate skills and content knowledge of history, 英语, 海上贸易. 在我的实习期间, I collaborated every day with my team of teachers and developed new curricula with the intent of giving each student as personalized a learning experience as possible. While I leave my student teaching experience with knowledge of how to develop better lesson plans or modified assessments, perhaps my most important take away is to remember the process of reciprocal transformation that occurs with teaching and learning. 为了让学习发生, I must first remember to ask not what I have to offer my students, 但我们能提供给彼此的.


I first began to think about a career in teaching after my sophomore year of high school. I had always been a “good” student in the sense that I achieved high grades and was very studious. 那一年, 然而, my history teacher became the first to really challenge me to embrace failure and to get out of my learning comfort zone. His approach to teaching and assessing history was far different than anything else I had encountered to that point in my life – he made me actively bring the learning to him, rather than having me be a passive agent in the classroom where he imparted knowledge of the content onto me. 上完他的课, I was hooked on history with a new sense of excitement and ownership of how and what I could learn. 从那时起, I began to think that becoming a history teacher would not only allow me to continue exploring a subject that I found fascinating and exciting, but more importantly it could give me the opportunity to inspire students to develop confidence as learners in the same way that my teacher did for me.

买球平台, I have taken advantage of opportunities provided to develop an understanding of and skills in educational policy, 哲学, and practice in a wide range of contexts from urban to rural. I took part in two Alternative Spring Break trips focused on learning about urban education, 一个是作为纽约市的参与者, and another as a trip leader in Washington, D.C. 为了我实习前的经历, I was placed in a tenth grade Civics and Government class at Falmouth High School in a suburb of Portland, 缅因州.